Do you or someone close to you have a sleep problem?
This website is designed to help you understand sleep problems and how they are evaluated.
Improving Sleep with Knowledge
Getting Started
How to Select a Sleep Center
Sleep Disorders
What to Expect with Sleep Testing
Screening Test

Seeking an Evaluation
The traditional approach to evaluation involves a physician assessment, testing if deemed indicated and post test review and recommendations. If a disorder of sleep were diagnosed, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, then long-term follow up would be needed.

Home Sleep Apnea Testing
The traditional approach to evaluation involves a physician assessment, testing if deemed indicated and post test review and recommendations. If a disorder of sleep were diagnosed, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, then long-term follow up would be needed.

Selecting a Sleep Center
The traditional approach to evaluation involves a physician assessment, testing if deemed indicated and post test review and recommendations. If a disorder of sleep were diagnosed, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, then long-term follow up would be needed.
Sleep Disorders
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Sleep Apnea / Breathing Problems
Sleep Movement
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Connect with the Sleep Doctor
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‘Dear Winston’ (Sleep Blog)
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator
Winston Yes, I am aware of the national TV ads for the hypoglossal nerve stimulator for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Earlier this year I prepared an information sheet on the subject. I will add it to this letter. It is a second line therapy and works for a limited sub...
What is the AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index)
Dear Winston It is inspiring to learn of your interest in sleep apnea. I will be happy to do my best to simplify, clarify and muddy your understanding of the AHI. AHI stands for Apnea Hypopnea Index. It is the standard for defining the presence...
Wuhan Virus
Winston July 3, 2020 Thank you for sharing your friend’s newspaper opinion piece on the current epidemic with me. Congratulations to her on her writing success. She is very emotional in her response, which is not unexpected for a non-medical...
A Right to Healthcare – Its not that Simple
Winston Oct 29, 2022 Yes, I will try to answer your question. I understand your training has led you to believe that healthcare is a right. Why, you ask, did I pause before saying, “It’s not that simple. But if it were, the answer would have to...
Open Letter to Winston
Winston Yes, I received your note. I apologize for my delay in setting this up. Your idea to post these so you can keep track of them was a good one. I will select a few of my past notes and post them here for you. I found...
Rat Journals, Sturgeon’s Law and the Hawkins’ Corollary
Dear Winston Ref: Rat Journals, Sturgeon’s Law and the Hawkins’ Corollary Yes, I know I have mentioned Hawkins’ Law to you many times. And yes, you need to know what I mean. I will answer that for you with a little background. Have you heard of...
Fact Sheets
Periodic Limb Movements (PLMS)
View and download the Fact Sheet below.
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator (Inspire)
View and download the Fact Sheet below.
REM Behavior Disorder
View and download the Fact Sheet below.
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